In the style of a science fair, dozens of teachers shared their favorite or most-effective classroom activities with the many teachers who attended the 2015 Teacher Night at Jefferson Lab. The 2016 event will take place on April 13.
NEWPORT NEWS, Va. – Elementary- and middle-school teachers interested in learning new and innovative methods for teaching the physical sciences are invited to attend the annual JSA Region II Teacher Night, scheduled for Wednesday, April 13, at the Department of Energy's Jefferson Lab.
The event will focus on physical science activities that teachers of fourth- through eighth-grade classes can use in the classroom. The evening's format will imitate a science fair. But instead of students showing off their science projects, more than 60 teachers will share their favorite or most-effective classroom activities. The presenting teachers will provide handouts and many will have free teaching supplies to accompany the handouts.
Activities will cover a range of topics, including friction, electrolysis, the water cycle, engineering design challenges, exothermic demonstrations, energy conservation, electricity, polymers, scientific investigation, science games, sound, force and motion, the periodic table, diffraction, the solar system, static electricity, renewable energy, and compounds and mixtures.
Teacher Night will run from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in Jefferson Lab's CEBAF Center, located at 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News. To reserve a spot, register online by April 1 at: or contact Brita Hampton, email: or call 757-269-7633.
"The teachers presenting activities and demonstrations that evening are former and current participants in a teacher enrichment program conducted at Jefferson Lab," notes Lisa Surles-Law, a Jefferson Lab Science Education administrator. "They will be sharing many of the activities they use in their classrooms. These teachers have spent a great deal of time and energy learning new teaching methods, and they want to share them with the larger teaching community."
"Hundreds of teachers have attended each of the eight previous events," Surles-Law adds. "Teacher Night is a great opportunity for sharing and learning, and finding something new to take back to the classroom."
The teacher enrichment program, JLab Science Activities for Teachers, and this teacher workshop are supported by the JSA Initiatives Fund, a grant program funded annually by Jefferson Sciences Associates, LLC.
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