Cynthia Keppel Jefferson Lab staff scientist and Hall A and C leader, is one of four scientists affiliated with Jefferson Lab elected to the status of Fellow of the American Physical Society.
Four scientists affiliated with Jefferson Lab have been elected to the status of Fellow of the American Physical Society.
NEWPORT NEWS, VA – The Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility now has a few more fellows on campus. The American Physical Society, a professional membership society that works on behalf of the physics community, recently announced its list of 2018 fellowships.
The APS Fellowships are a distinct honor bestowed by a physicist’s professional peers for exceptional contributions to the physics enterprise. Among the 2018 honorees is one Jefferson Lab staff member and three nuclear physicists who conduct research here.
“It is wonderful to see both our staff and members of our User community recognized by their peers as having made very significant contributions to the field of Nuclear Physics,” said Jefferson Lab Director Stuart Henderson. “Jefferson Lab Hall Leader Cynthia Keppel’s fellowship recognizes her broad impact in the field, from fundamental nuclear science to applications of nuclear technology in health and medicine.”
This year’s honorees include:
Cynthia Keppel
Jefferson Lab staff scientist and Hall A and C leader
Citation: For leadership on novel experimental techniques to study strong interactions, her contributions to CTEQ from the perspective of Nuclear Physics, and her instrumental role in founding the Hampton University Proton Therapy Center and other work applying Nuclear Physics to Medicine.
David Armstrong
College of William & Mary
Citation: For leadership role in a career-long program of research centered on characterizing and understanding the role of the weak force and parity-violating phenomena in nuclear physics.
Moskov Amarian
Old Dominion University
Citation: For pioneering work on Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering and Gluon Polarization with the HERMES experiment at DESY, and a creative and broad program in hadronic physics at HERMES and Jefferson Lab.
Oscar A. Rondon-Aramayo
University of Virginia
Citation: For pioneering contributions to the study of quark-gluon correlations in nucleons using inelastic scattering of polarized electrons off transverse polarized proton and deuteron targets to measure the nucleon transverse spin asymmetry A2 and the associated structure function gT and its moments.
According to the American Physical Society, the APS Fellowship Program recognizes members who may have made advances in physics through original research and publication, or made significant innovative contributions in the application of physics to science and technology. Each year, no more than one half of one percent of its membership may be elected to the status of fellow. The APS has more than 55,000 members in 109 countries.
Note: Article updated post-release with links to university articles on award winners.
Contact: Kandice Carter, Jefferson Lab Communications Office, 757-269-7263,